I know that I’m the one usually posing all the questions, but clients repeatedly ask me what is the most popular subject in the pub quiz shows that I compile and host?

Over the past few months, I’ve made some rough notes of the scores achieved in all the different subjects (hardly scientific, but it’s just for personal research!) and there were some surprising results. Below is the list of most popular (i.e. highest % of most correct answers per subject) down to the least-favoured questions…

  1. Food & Drink
  2. Geography
  3. Movies
  4. Pop Music
  5. Science/Nature
  6. Logo Game (picture quiz)
  7. Bits of Hits (audio music round)
  8. Potluck
  9. Sport
  10.  Art/Literature

(There are many other subjects, but these are the rounds that appear most regular)

What did we learn? Well, not really a surprise that Food & Drink tops the charts, as it’s a pastime that everyone gets involved in! To see Geography coming second is a bit of a shock, as that (along with Art & Literature) is usually greeted with groans! Brand awareness is clearly a thing in the UK as the Logo Game nearly always scores quite highly. Sport is a tricky one…anything outside of football, cricket and tennis leaves some teams floundering! And at the bottom is Art & Literature, the cultured subject! To be fair, literature is usually popular but once I add in some arty questions, it all goes awry!

Without doubt though, the most well-received subject is the ‘Bits of Hits’ audio pop music round. It’s something I’ve done from the very start of my quizmaster career, and only on a very small handful of occasions have the clients asked to drop it from the line-up.

So…what’s your specialist subject?